What’s in season: Guide and recipes to January’s Freshest Produce

As we start the new year, it’s the perfect time to check out all the awesome fruits and veggies that January has to offer. Whether you’re bundled up in the North with snow all around or enjoying the sun in the South, January’s produce brings a ton of flavors and nutrients to liven up your meals and keep you healthy.

What's in season january coloring page.

(What’s in season January coloring page, print it out and give it to your kids!)

Picture citrus bursting with flavor, root veggies keeping us down to earth, and leafy greens laughing in the face of the frost. January is a great time for produce, depending on where you are. Generally, in the Northern Hemisphere, you can get your hands on:

Citrus Fruits: Oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes are typically at their best in the winter months.

Root Vegetables: Carrots, turnips, and beets are hearty and plentiful during this time.

Sweet potatoes and potatoes.

Leafy Greens: Kale, collards, and Swiss chard are more flavorful after a frost.

Pears: While the peak season is in the fall, many varieties are still delicious and available in January.

Cauliflower: They are often at their peak in the early winter months.

Brussels Sprouts: These are commonly available and are sweeter after the first frost.

Broccoli is a versatile and nutritious vegetable. It belongs to the cruciferous vegetable family, which also includes the likes of cabbage, kale, and cauliflower. With its distinct earthy taste and crunchy texture, broccoli can be enjoyed in a variety of dishes, from stir-fries and salads to soups and casseroles.

Leeks are a versatile and delicious vegetable that belong to the same family as onions and garlic. They have a milder, sweeter flavor than their relatives, making them a great addition to a wide variety of dishes. From soups and stews to stir-fries and salads, leeks can be used in countless recipes to add a unique depth of flavor.

Kiwi. Kiwi is a delicious and nutritious fruit that is packed with vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, and fiber, making it a fantastic addition to a healthy diet. The fuzzy brown exterior hides a bright green flesh that is both sweet and tangy, creating a unique flavor that delights the taste buds.

Kiwi is not only a tasty treat, but it also offers numerous health benefits. Its high vitamin C content makes it a great immune-boosting fruit, while the fiber promotes good digestion. Additionally, its antioxidant properties contribute to overall health and well-being.

Kiwi can be enjoyed on its own, or used to add a burst of flavor to salads, desserts, and smoothies. Whether enjoyed as a snack or as part of a meal, Kiwi is a versatile fruit that brings both flavor and nutrition to the table.

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