A white ceramic bowl filled with a vibrant red Mexican soup garnished with sliced avocado, chopped cilantro, and crispy tortilla strips rests on a pink cloth napkin. To the left of the bowl, a tarnished spoon casts a shadow on the napkin. The setting is illuminated by natural light.

Mexican Mushroom Soup with Chipotle

About this recipe A Mexican mushroom soup with chipotle tomato broth is a simple soup but filled with Mexican flavors and textures. The mix of earthy mushrooms and smoky chipotle creates a rich, complex taste. It’s not just tasty but also full of good stuff.Even though it is not a …


A bowl of yellow pastina soup with a sprinkle of white tapioca pearls, served in a white bowl on a greenish-grey plate with a gold spoon. Next to it is a white cup containing a yellow liquid and a used tea bag tag. A cream-colored cloth napkin is partially visible on the right.

Pastina Soup

Get ready to enjoy our Classic Pastina Soup – a favorite Italian dish that’s perfect for any day. This recipe brings together tender pastina and a rich, blended vegetable broth, creating an incredibly nourishing and delicious meal.

Un nutritivo plato de sopa de primavera con pasta ditalini, garbanzos, espinacas y hierbas finamente picadas, cubierto con queso rallado. La sopa se sirve en un bol blanco con una cuchara,

How To Make Spring Minestrone (Easy, Healthy, Vegan)

About this recipe This spring green minestrone recipe is the perfect dish to make during the season when the sun starts to shine, but the air is still a bit chilly, and supermarkets begin to fill with green vegetables. The benefits of eating seasonally Eating seasonally is not just a …


arroz con coco

Coconut Rice with Cashews & Cilantro

About this recipe This recipe for coconut rice is a great way to add some variety to your usual white or brown rice. It’s vegan, creamy, and delicious, packed with flavor and nutrition. It’s perfect as a side dish or as a standalone meal. I adore coconut! I enjoy eating …


Broccoli spinach soup with cilantro croutons

About this recipe In this post, you’ll find my recipe for my favorite vegan broccoli soup, spinach broccoli soup with cilantro croutons. It’s a vegan, creamy, easy-to-prepare, super healthy dish the whole family loves. As a child, I must admit that I didn’t like soups at all. My mom would …


Croutons in a bowl with a person holding a spoon for Portuguese Soup.

Portuguese Garlic and Bread Soup with cilantro

About this recipe Açorda alentejana is a traditional Portuguese dish, originally from the Alentejo region, known for its rustic simplicity and delicious flavor. This bread soup is a clear example of how essential ingredients can be transformed into a comforting and flavorful meal, perfect for cold days or when you …


A bowl of lentil soup with vegetables and a spoon.

Mexican Lentil soup with chipotle and vegetables

About this recipe Lentil soup with chipotle and vegetables is a very comforting dish, full of flavor and tradition. In Mexico, lentils are beloved not only for their nutritional value but also for their versatility. This soup combines the mild flavor of lentils with the smoky and delicious spiciness of …


crema de brocoli

Simple vegan broccoli soup

About this recipe This smooth and creamy broccoli soup is vegan-friendly and doesn’t contain any dairy. It’s incredibly simple to make, requiring only six ingredients, and can be ready in just 30 minutes from start to finish! There are some flavors I will never get tired of, like the simple …


Mexican Chickpea soup, garbanzo soup

This Mexican chickpea soup (garbanzo soup) is the kind of soup that makes you feel good. This soup will bring you back to life whenever you need a boost. This vegan garbanzo bean soup is healthy, easy to prepare, and loved by my family.

green split pea soups


This split pea soup recipe is far from ordinary. Filled with Persian flavors and fresh herbs, it’s the perfect comforting meal for a chilly evening. You can prepare it easily in an Instant Pot, a crockpot, or on the stovetop. This vegan soup also freezes well for future meals. Enjoy …
