Easy overnight oats

About this recipe This easy overnight oats vegan recipe is the perfect recipe for a delicious, super-healthy breakfast. With this recipe and my ideas on how to finish it, you will have the ideal breakfast every morning, especially for busy mornings. What are overnight oats? Overnight oats are a no-cook

Donas de manzana y canela en el horno

baked apple donuts 

In a world filled with sugary temptations, finding a sweet treat that is both delicious and healthy can feel like an impossible task. But fear not because we have the perfect solution for you – baked apple donuts! About this Baked donuts recipe These delectable treats are bursting with flavor

golden milkshake 6

Golden Banana Smoothie

This golden banana smoothie perfectly combines a banana smoothie and the famous golden milk. It is very easy to make, it always looks good, and you can even have it as a dessert, like a milkshake. About this recipe This smoothie is made with frozen bananas, which gives it a

scones de calabaza

Vegan Pumpkin Scones with Maple Glaze

Indulge in these scrumptious vegan pumpkin scones, that are perfect for a chilly afternoon with a steaming cup of coffee or tea. The heavenly aroma of fall and warm spices will fill your home while you bake them. Who could resist the allure of pumpkin flavors as soon as the