Homemade mangonada recipe

what is a mangonada? Mangonadas are a delightful Mexican treat made from mango sorbet, chopped frozen mango, or mango purée, blended with chamoy sauce, chili powder, and pieces of chile-coated dried fruit. Essentially, it’s mango enhanced with chamoy. For an adult twist, you can transform a mangonada into a refreshing

arroz con coco

Easy Coconut Rice Recipe with Cashews & Cilantro

Acerca de esta receta Esta receta de arroz con coco es una idea buenísima para darle la vuelta al típico arroz. Esta receta está llena de sabor y queda superbién para acompañar cualquier tipo de platillos. Me puede encantar el coco. Me lo puedo comer fresco con chile y limón,

Thai basil lentils, vegan version of a delicious and classic Thai dish

Thai basil lentils, vegan version of Basil Chicken

About this recipe Thai Basil Lentils, my vegan take on the beloved Thai Basil Chicken. This dish captures the essence of traditional Thai cooking with a compassionate twist, swapping chicken for hearty lentils that are just as satisfying. This dish is packed with bold flavors, fresh herbs, and the irresistible

Vegan sweet potato Enchiladas with Lentils Recipe

About this recipe This recipe is for vegan sweet potato enchiladas with lentils with a delicious chile ancho and tomato sauce, it is perfect for days when you’re craving healthy Mexican food. I developed a love for enchiladas after moving to Austin. Prior to that, I lived in Monterrey, Mexico,

Vegan mexican sopes

Vegan Mexican Sopes Recipe (antojito)

What are Mexican sopes? Sopes (pronounced soh-pez) are a popular dish in Mexican cuisine that is easy to fall in love with. They are made of masa, corn dough, and have a thick tortilla-like circular base with a small border around the edges. The border helps to keep the fillings

three glasses with almond milk

Fresh and Creamy: A Beginner’s Guide to Making Homemade Almond Milk

About this recipe Making your own almond milk at home is not only a fast and effortless process, but it also comes with a multitude of benefits. Almond milk is a nutritious dairy alternative that is naturally lactose-free, making it suitable for those with lactose intolerance or following a vegan

chile de arbol salsa 18 2

Chile de arbol salsa

About this recipe Salsa de Chile de Arbol is a classic Mexican salsa prepared using chile de Arbol peppers, garlic, and tomatillos. It has a smoky and spicy flavor that my family loves. We love to eat it with tacos, burritos, and other Mexican dishes to give them a fiery

How to make the best juice pulp crackers

About this recipe Did you know that you can make some delicious crackers using juice pulp? After years and years of juicing, I have discovered a few tips for making the most of vegetable juice pulp. In this recipe, I used carrot juice pulp to make some delicious crackers that

Carrot cucumber juice

About this recipe Carrot juice is fantastic, but this carrot juice recipe with apple, cucumber, and ginger is the absolute best. This juice recipe is light, flavorful, and so colorful! In this post, I will show you how to prepare this delicious and nutritious juice, which is packed with vitamins