A can of chickpeas on a white plate.

8 Easy recipes with canned chickpeas

I am writing this post for you and me and for all of us standing in front of the pantry with no idea what to cook for dinner. You grab a can of chickpeas, and you hope for the best. And maybe there is a bit of praying that a

Chickpea soup with roasted avocado and charred lime

Chickpea soup with avocado and lime

Get ready to enjoy this tasty chickpea soup recipe! It’s a favorite around here, featuring a hearty tomato broth, called caldillo, with chunks of avocado and a splash of lime. Delicious and super comforting, this soup is like a cozy hug in a bowl that will make you feel right

Easy vegan parmesan-flavored seasoning

We, vegans, don’t eat any cheese or dairy. But we eat delicious combinations of very healthy and powerful ingredients. This easy vegan parmesan-flavored seasoning is an example; to make this deliciousness, you only need four ingredients. How to use this seasoning You can finish soups, salads, pasta dishes, and even